Yesterday evening the Saxon Sports Gala 2020 took place in the Congress Center in Dresden. The who's who of sports and politics of saxony got together and for the first time I had the opportunity to attend the gala. In addition to the very entertaining evening, I got to know a lot of new people and had interesting conversations. Among other things, I talked to the Saxon Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer and the former cyclist and current member of the federal parliament Jens Lehmann about winter sports. At such events, you realize how much sport really connects!
I am also particularly pleased that Eric Frenzel was honored for his achievements at the World Championships in Seefeld 2019 and voted as the Saxon Sportsman of the Year! World Championships, which will also be remembered positively by our company, we were responsible for the track service of the large hill competitions on Bergisel. The title "Coach of the Year" went to Frenzel's coach Frank Erlbeck. It's nice to see that Nordic sport is so important in Saxony!
Yours, Peter Riedel