Peter Riedel News 2024

Now the last track module has been installed in Saalfelden!

After the renovation of the two smaller jumping hills in 2021, we have now taken a big...

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The 400th anniversary of Tellerhäuser is a tricky one. Strictly speaking, the 400th anniversary of Tellerhäuser should have taken place two years ago....

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It is almost one of the most important topics of all, even if it is often neglected. Further education!

For us, it is essential to constantly train...

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I wish all our friends, business partners, customers and employees a happy Easter! Take some time for yourself and enjoy the days. And maybe the...

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What a past season it was! We were pretty much covered in work from the beginning to the end of the season. Although we have reduced a large number of...

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I was so happy that, after many years, I met Noriaki Kasai at Holmenkollen again. The last time we met was in Sapporo, when Noriaki personally made...

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What a cool and exciting Raw Air it was! There was pretty much everything, from mostly perfect weather conditions to storms and snowfalls, from new...

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Norway is always worth a trip! Or in my case, several.

I'm just returning from my fifteenth! trip to Norway this year and writing these lines on the...

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What a coincidence, the world is small! I'm strolling through the lobby of the Scandic Holmenkollen Park Hotel and who di i meet?

Markus Wasmeier,...

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Definitely one of the highlights of the year - the ski flying spectacle on the Kulm! Anyone who has ever been there knows what I'm talking about. You...

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In today's highly technical and digital age, it is inevitable that digitalization will also find its way into the technical sector. It is not only...

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