Peter Riedel becomes a tour guide again!

The second trip to the Kulm from January 27th to 30th, 2023 soon is on!

When the legendary ski flying worldcup at the Kulm in Austria takes place, a small delegation from Saxony will also be right in the middle of it. After 2019, this is the second trip to the Kulm that we are organizing together with the local tour operator Lang Reisen! From 27th to 30th of January 2023, guests can expect a carefree package with arrival and departure by bus, hotel, meals, entrance to the event and admission. An exclusive highlight makes the trip to Austria really special. Peter Riedel himself is the tour guide and on the day before the competition he takes guests to take a look behind the scenes of one of the largest ski jumping hills in the world. Interesting insights into the world of ski jumping are guaranteed!

Nothing stands in the way of a ski flying festival, where you can experience the stars of the scene so close with Lang-Reisen and Peter Riedel. Admittedly, organizing a trip is not one of Peter Riedel's core competencies, which normally lies in steel construction and ski jumping facility construction.

But it wouldn't be Riedel if he didn't love tackling such new challenges. “Anyone who knows me knows that I like to be among people and that I also like to talk. I know the Kulm like the back of my hand, so the “side job” as a tour guide actually fits quite well”, said Riedel with a wink.

To the spontaneous people out there. We still have a few seats available on our bus!